Waste Management & Renewable Energy Conversion Plant
Saudia-German Power Plant Limited is committed to innovation that leads to a zero waste future.
Waste incineration creates air pollution and requires strong environmental controls. When waste is burned in incineration facilities it produces hazardous air pollutants including particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), carbon monoxide, acid gases, nitrogen oxides and cancer-causing dioxins. Every time a community builds a trash incineration it sets back the real solutions by 25 years – the time it takes to pay back the massive investment involved. Thus, the solution for this century is Synthesis Gas technology Saudia-German Power Plant Limited.
Refuse what you do not need;
reduce what you do need; reuse
what you consume; recycle what you
cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse; and
rot (compost) the rest.
- Bea